Contact Information

We have openings in the areas illustrated under the section projects and we always seek excellent students who might be interested in contributing to these areas of research.

Graduate Students

If your interests and background are strong in either mechanics, mathematics, computational modeling and/or additive manufacturing, and if you would like to become a member of my group, I encourage you to apply to the graduate program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. You should first read the description of the current projects before submitting your file to the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Admissions Committee, who will verify whether you meet the minimum requirements for acceptance in our graduate program. The prospective applicatns are advised to visit the gradschool website for the required information,

Undergraduate Students

If you are an undergraduate student willing to work on a design project or honour's thesis or summer internship under my supervision, please follow the description of the research areas and projects, and then contact me. Students with Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship are encouraged to contact for potential research opportunities. You are encouraged to apply to fund your internship.


Tanvir Faisal, PhD
Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering
241 E Lewis St.
Rougeou Hall 238 (Office)
Rougeou Hall 273 (4M Lab)
Lafayette, Louisiana 70504, USA
Google Map - ULL Campus Map

Phone: (337) 482-5360